Healing and Progress

The most effective care we offer is the practice of Christian Science. Each individual living at Twelveacres works daily with a dedicated Christian Science practitioner. We consistently witness the results of prayer and are happy to share some highlights below.


“With daily Christian Science practitioner support, a resident made tangible progress recovering from a leg injury. Eventually he was able to care for himself again without staff assistance. When he was ready to return to the day program, he called his practitioner and expressed great delight about the day and about his progress.”

“One day, a resident appeared upset for no apparent reason. A Christian Science practitioner was called, and after pondering the spiritual ideas shared, the resident appeared more peaceful. A staff member read to the resident, including an article from the Christian Science Sentinel, and the resident’s winning smile indicated that a shift in thought had taken place.”

“One morning, a resident was shaking excessively as she went about her daily activities. A Christian Science practitioner was called and prayerful support was requested. By that evening, there were no more symptoms.”

More highlights

“A resident had a physical challenge with her eyes. The symptoms subsided following a call with her Christian Science practitioner and praying ‘the scientific statement of being’ (SH 468:9–15) out loud with a staff member.”

“Increased joy Is expressed by a resident who continues to be more excited about, and engaged in, community activities and is spending time with housemates. This is a wonderful step of progress.”

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