Resident Life
We provide a loving family atmosphere where individuals are given opportunities to choose and explore activities that interest them. They learn how to weave the
Golden Rule into their relationships and home duties. Staff is available 24/7 to guide and assist with daily living needs.
what’s a typical day like for a twelveacres resident?
Twelveacres residents enjoy rising early in the morning as they prepare for the day ahead of them—whether it’s going to day program, or engaging in another planned activity either inside or outside of the home. The reading of the Bible Lesson from the Christian Science Quarterly sets the metaphysical tone for the day. At day program, residents could be working on an art project, participating in an interactive game with their peers, or simply learning something new. Overall, Twelveacres residents enjoy a full schedule and are presented with daily opportunities to learn, grow, & progress!

Check out the video below
Resident Life – Hymn Art

Community Activities
Whether it’s a concert in the backyard of one of our homes, a library visit, a trip to the animal farm or space museum, there are a variety of community experiences each Twelveacres resident can enjoy.
Check out the video below
Resident Life – Ever-present Progress
Our Homes

San Jose East

San Jose West